ImexCentral Release Notes


2020/04/11 (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc17)
    - GUI fixes/ugrades:
        - roles/groups lists sorted on Name field
        - admin GUI fixes (useredit, groupedit)
2020/04/04 (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc16)
    - ACL enforcement fixes
    - GUI fixes/ugrades:
        - publication editor comment submission fix
        - tab counts fix
        - sort on imex accession fix 
2020/03/19 (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc15)
    - GUI fixes/ugrades:
        - account creation and feedback form protected
          with google recaptcha v2  
2020/03/15 (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc14)
    - completed web services migration to Apache CXF

   - GUI fixes:
    - fixed duplicated pmid/doi guard/GUI notification
    - comment/log lists are ordered now by creation time

2020/01/22  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc13)
    - openJDK11/tomcat9 port
2019/07/28  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc12)
    - web service update:
        - access to txt/data (ie text) attachments added

2019/01/20  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc12)
    - GUI upgrades:
            - fixed password field length
    - fixed SHA1-based password authentication issues

2019/01/11  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc12)
    - GUI upgrades:
            - fixed problems with pmid-less records 
              (tiles/pubedit-yui.jsp & js/pubedit-yui.js)

2018/11/24  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc12)
    - GUI upgrades:
            - pagination of rolemgr table added
            - modify delayed refresh of publication browse table    
    - role's group-unique flag added
    - user sha1-based authentication added

2018/11/10  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc11)
    - GUI upgrades:
            - pagination of groupmgr table added            
            - user access to json list of groups added

2018/11/10  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc10)
   - web service update:
        - publication info now includes admin users/groups
        - queryPublication support added
    - GUI upgrades:
        - text query added

2018/06/21  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc9)
   - workflow fixes:
        - corrected stage/status update code

2018/06/21  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc8)
   - GUI upgrades:
        - further updates and fixes to journal manager page

2018/06/16  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc7)
   - GUI upgrades:
        - journal manager stat counts converted into corresponding 
          links to pubmgr page  
        - pubmgr initial journal/stage/status state added 

2018/06/15  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc6)

   - GUI fixes:
        - delay added to table refresh after status update (to
          accomodate indexing delay)
        - journal manager stats count short/detail column fixes
        - stage/status filter correctly passed within pubmgr js code

2018/05/28  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc2)

   - Minor GUI fixes:
        - corrected publication manager filtered table size 
        - added waiting spinner to publication manager table
   - added on-fly score indexing 

2018/05/27  (ImexCentral v3.1.0rc1)
   - ElasticSearch based record indexing and search added.
   - initial ReCaptcha mods to accomodate API changes
    - GUI upgrades/fixes:
        - fixed password update glitches
        - added sortable record score columns to publication browser
        - added score table to the attachment tab within record editor page 

    - bumped up version to 3.1.0 (to denote ES-based indexing)

   - web service (v2.00) upgrades:
        - updatePublicationStatus method can set, both, stage and status
          by passing / (eg 'PREQUEUE/NEW') as status argument

   - GUI upgrades/fixes:
        - fixed some journalstat glitches

2018/03/14       (ImexCentral v3.0.0rc8)

  - GUI upgrades/fixes:
      - added journalstat page to display pipeline by-issue stats  
2018/02/11       (ImexCentral v3.0.0rc7)

  - GUI upgrades/fixes:
      - record editing pop-ups added to pipeline tabs
      - graceful handling of NCBI proxy error (?)  

2018/01/29       (ImexCentral v3.0.0rc6)

  - GUI fixes:
      - publication manager filter button fixes
      - journal view filter button fixes

2017/11/20       (ImexCentral v3.0.0rc5)

  - user manager GUI fixes:
      - user table paging
      - history implemented

2017/10/11        (ImexCentral v3.0.0rc1)
  - library updates, including:
     dip-util:    2.00   (including hibernate 5.2.11.Final)
     spring:      5.0.0.RELEASE
     aspectj:     1.8.10
     postgresql: 42.1.4
     recaptcha4j: 0.0.8
     cxf:         3.2.0
     jaxws-rt:    2.3.0

 - java 8/tomcat 8/jetty 9 deployment-ready

2017/04/28           (ImexCentral v1.99rc2)
   - updates: too many to list ;o)

2014/05/10 PROD-1.02 (ImexCentral v1.02)
  - activity tracker mods added (see ticket #119 from details)  

2014/01/19 PROD-1.01 (ImexCentral v1.01)
  - initial implementation of CXF-based REST server and
    support of universal IMEX dataset URLs

2013/10/21 PROD-1.00 (ImexCentral v1.00)
  - GUI updates:
     - restyled administrative pages /by ZP/
     - restyled feedback pages /by ZP/     
     - numerous styling fixes 
   This release completes the first step of ImexCentral development.

2013/09/01 BETA-0.93

  - GUI updates:
     - restyled user registration page /by ZP/
     - return to the most recent page after login /by ZP/
     - fixed user registration bug
     - added placehorder for the Imex Viewer 

2013/08/13 BETA-0.92

  - user account customization:
      - more configuration options added

2013/08/05 BETA-0.91

  - user account customization:
      - attachment mail notifications

  - GUI updates:
      - minor page reorganization

2013/04/07 BETA-0.90

  - user account customization:
     - publication watch list
     - automatic watch list generation
     - mail notifications

  - GUI updates:
     - user preferences and watch list pages added
     - record editor:
         - watch status tab added

  - help pages updates 
2013/02/05 BETA-0.89

  - completed implementation of ACL control at the 'target' level

  - GUI updates:
     - overhaul of new record page and record editor layout
     - record editor:
          - implemented functionality of the data attachment tab
     - CSS cleanup

  - help pages added

2012/09/13 BETA-0.88
  - GUI updates:
      -added links from the statistics page

  - PSICQUIC server code moved into separate project

2012/07/24 BETA-0.87
  - GUI updates:
      - implemented record tabs history

2012/05/09 BETA-0.86
  - GUI updates:
      - user editor action fix
      - web services updates:
          - ACL-based access control added (ws-v2.0)
          - publication record returns all identifiers
      - PSICQUIC server updates

2012/04/11 BETA-0.85
   - GUI updates:
      - publication manager updates:
          - show/hide columns
      - publication search
          - search by pmid/imex/doi/jint identifiers supported
   - guard against dysfunctional NML service added

  - initial implementation of PSICQUIC server added

2012/03/09 BETA-0.84
  - GUI updates:
      - publication manager updates:
         - implemented browsing history 
         - implemented sorting by:
             - publication (ie author)
             - pmid
             - IMEx accession
             - date
             - record owner
      - updated location of the recaptcha server

2011/12/15 BETA-0.83 (not in repository ?)
  - GUI updates:
     - added comment flags and searching by flag
     - added record history tab
  - web services API ver 2.0  artifact deployed on public
    maven repository 

2011/05/25 BETA-0.80
  - GUI updates:
     - added searches by submitter (owner) and by curator
     - added create/view comment tab  
     - added image upload
     - added updates to record identifiers  
  - login errors fixed
  - web services version 2.0 added
     - implemented record identifier updates

2010/08/24  BETA-0.77
  - GUI updates:
      - AJAX version publication editor actions:
          Availability Status    
          Contact Email           
          Curation Status
          Add/Drop Admin User
          Add/Drop Admin Group
  - login security fix
  - web service fault codes added (unknown user/group)
  - partial switch to log4j logging

2010/03/06 BETA-0.72

  - NcbiProxyClient fixes
  - GUI updates:
      - on-line ACL reinitialization
      - publication search page/action added
      - conditional menu items added 

2010/02/27 BETA-0.71

 - key assigner and initial web services framework added
 - ACL system updates
 - GUI updates:
     - publication editor actions added: 
         - availability status, 
         - contact email 
         - curation status
         - key assigner
     - journal manager converted to YUI tables
 - CSS modified in order to visually distinguish between test/beta/production 
 - pom.xml modifications 

2009/12/13 BETA-0.6

 - corrected number of pages/publications in the publication table pager
 - added functional add/drop state and transition actions to workflow editors